Gala Gift Hub Mystery Boxes

Gala Gift Hub


Open with Coins

Items you can win

Earn Coins

Earn a coin for every dollar you spend. Use them later to open free boxes, which can be unlocked with coins.

Provably Fair

Our provably fair system uses a combination of three elements to ensure random, transparent outcomes. View the percentage probability for each item at the top-right corner within the unlockable items section below.

Unlockable Items in Gala Gift Hub Mystery Box

Unlocked boxes 53516

Unlock exciting surprises with Gala Gift Hub Mystery Box! Open virtually for $1.99 USD and discover items valued from $0.10 USD to $200.00 USD. From $200 Gift Card, $150 Gift Card, $150 Gift Card, $100 Gift Card, $100 Gift Card, $75 Gift Card, $50 Gift Card, $50 Gift Card, $45 Gift Card, $30 Gift Card, $25 Gift Card, $25 Gift Card, $15 Gift Card, $15 Gift Card, $10 Gift Card, $10 Gift Card, $1 Voucher, $0.75 Voucher, $0.50 Voucher, $0.25 Voucher, and $0.1 Voucher, find out what you'll unbox today!