DiscountBox Mystery Boxes



Open with Coins

Items you can win

Earn Coins

Earn a coin for every dollar you spend. Use them later to open free boxes, which can be unlocked with coins.

Provably Fair

Our provably fair system uses a combination of three elements to ensure random, transparent outcomes. View the percentage probability for each item at the top-right corner within the unlockable items section below.

Unlockable Items in DiscountBox Mystery Box

Unlocked boxes 48242

Unlock exciting surprises with DiscountBox Mystery Box! Open virtually for $0.50 USD and discover items valued from $0.10 USD to $150.00 USD. From $150 Gift Card, Kishi Controller (iPhone), $50 Gift Card, $50 Coupon Vault, $45 Gift Card, $30 Gift Card, $25 Gift Card, $15 Gift Card, $10 Coupon Vault, $10 Coupon Vault, $5 Voucher, $3 Voucher, $1 Voucher, $1 Coupon Vault, $1 Coupon Vault, $1 Coupon Vault, $1 Coupon Vault, $0.75 Voucher, $0.50 Voucher, $0.25 Voucher, and $0.1 Voucher, find out what you'll unbox today!